Do you know what honey pasteurization means?
How is it done and what are the damages!!
Read the article to understand it
Heating and freezing honey is one of the most important processes that affect natural honey
Pasteurization is heating honey at a temperature (70-80°C) for two hours
Why do some traders pasteurize honey??
This is to prevent honey from freezing or crystallizing honey when exposed to low temperatures.
Because there is a misconception among many consumers that frozen honey is adulterated honey.
What are the symptoms of honey pasteurization??
Honey is never heated by placing it on the fire directly because this destroys most of the components of the honey and the sugar inside it may be carbonated.
The process of heating honey damages the most important components of honey and sometimes turns it into honey unfit for human consumption.
Heating honey would increase the concentration of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF).
This substance results from the oxidation of fructose sugar in the presence of acid and heat, and it is considered harmful to human health
The process of intense heating of honey also damages the enzymes in honey, which have a powerful therapeutic property.
It also accelerates the dissolution of some important compounds in honey, such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), oxygenated water, and other therapeutic compounds.
Honey becomes a useless substance from a therapeutic and pharmacological standpoint, and sometimes it becomes completely harmful and useless.
Hence, keeping honey at moderate temperatures allows honey to maintain its vitality for several years without major changes.
Knowing that honey is only ten years old, as it loses 10% of its medicinal strength every year that passes after harvesting