Program description

Providing the trainee with professional skills in the field of animal husbandry and care to keep pace with the labor market, including dealing with animal housing, daily and seasonal farm operations, farm records and types of feed, how to provide them to animals and fattening animals


Developing skills and developing technical information for livestock breeders
Training and encouraging livestock breeders to use modern methods of breeding
Training livestock breeders in economic breeding
Preparing animal rations according to the type and need of the animal
Training them to use the necessary hygienic means to prevent diseases that may infect animals
Educating the breeder on the use of animal waste such as leather, manure and others
Training the breeder to improve animal housing

Target group

  • Those interested in livestock and have good reading and writing


  • Shelter animals and methods of its creation and its benefits
  • Daily farm operations (feeding – watering – milking – breastfeeding – burying – cleaning barns – washing – sports – monitoring the herd).
  • Seasonal farm operations (weighing animals – pollination – birth – trimming hoofs – removing horns – neutering – numbering animals – vaccination and dosing – methods of animal control – methods of disposing of carcasses – methods of slaughter – fodder storage – renewal of the herd).
  • Farm records (weight records – nutrition records – breeding records – health records – production records).
  • Learn about the types of feed and how to feed and make feed cubes

    The most important tips when providing feed.
  • Fattening according to age stages.
  • Simplified feasibility study