Program description:

Providing the trainee with professional skills in the field of making sweets, pastries and cakes to keep pace with the labor market, which includes dealing with the manufacture of different types of sweets, different types of pastries and different types of cakes according to the correct preparation rules and requirements.


  • Uses the tools and equipment necessary for the preparation of sweets, pastries and cakes
  • Prepares different types of sweets according to the correct preparation rules and requirements
  • Prepares different types of pastries according to the correct preparation rules and requirements
  • Prepares different types of cake according to the correct preparation rules and requirements.

Target group:

  • women category.
  • Those interested in making sweets, pastries and cakes

The contents of the program:

Sweets: (definition of sweets – ingredients included in the preparation of sweets – types).
Preparation of the petfur: (the main ingredients involved in the preparation – the method of preparation)
Preparation of Balah Al Sham: (Basic materials involved in preparing Balah Al Sham – method of preparation)
Preparing Luqaimat Al-Qadi (Al-Awamah): (the main ingredients included in the preparation of Luqaimat Al-Qadi – method of preparation).
Preparation of the basbousa: (the main ingredients involved in preparing the basbousa – method of preparation)
Pastries: (definition of pastries – types of pastries prepared in the home way – the basic ingredients included in the preparation of pastries)
Preparation of the croissant: (the basic materials involved in preparing the croissant – method of preparation)
Pizza preparation: (the basic materials involved in preparing pizza – how to prepare pizza)
Preparation of pancakes: (the basic materials involved in preparing pancakes – how to prepare pancakes).
Cake: (definition of cake – types of cake – basic materials involved in cake preparation and their recipes).
Preparation of the sponge cake
Preparing the chocolate cake:
Prepare pineapple cake.