Program description:

Providing the trainee with professional skills in the field of installing and managing greenhouses to keep pace with the labor market, which includes installing the greenhouse, installing the irrigation network and farming methods inside the greenhouse for different crops.

Target group:

  • farmers.
  • Dropouts from public education.
  • Who has the desire to teach for the program.

Course contents:

First: Design and installation of greenhouses

Applying occupational health and safety principles

Basic concepts of design and installation of greenhouses

Greenhouse design and land leveling

Conditions and practical steps for installing a greenhouse and taking measurements

Installing and covering the basic structure of the greenhouse

Installation of the irrigation network inside the greenhouse.

Second: Methods of cultivation in greenhouses

The basic concepts of greenhouse cultivation

How to produce vegetable seedlings in greenhouses and open spaces

How to prepare the land of the greenhouse for planting and initial fertilization

How to control environmental factors inside greenhouses

The service process during the growth of the crop ((fertilization – irrigation – pruning and plant breeding – integrated pest management))

Harvesting, collecting, storing and marketing the crop