
$ 7.00


Benefits of molasses​

Molasses (molasses) is added in varying proportions with livestock feed and as food for bees. It is considered a general nutrient because it contains high levels of energy, so that these percentages stimulate cows and livestock to eat sufficient quantities of feed to reflect on the rate of their dairy productivity and (for bees

Molasses (molasses) helps reduce the natural dust of some soft forages. It helps the feed mixture to become more palatable and edible for livestock, and it can also be added to replace lost sugars and trace minerals in cases of low-quality feed, especially with low levels of sugar. It also helps to speed up the fermentation process, which leads to accelerating the digestion of feed and benefiting from its nutritional value.

Benefits of molasses for cattle and dairy cows:
– Promote livestock health
– Increases milk production
– Facilitates the secretion of milk
Improves fiber digestion
Provides sugars to livestock
– Increases the efficiency of the diet
Helps accelerate the growth of young calves
Helps reduce stress due to air temperature
Increases work rates and decreases genetics

The benefits of molasses for horses
– Reduces fodder acquisition of dust
– Makes the feed palatable
Helps selective horses accept feed الع
The benefits of molasses for sheep and goats
Prevents preeclampsia

the use
Molasses (animal use only, not suitable for human use as food)
Molasses is used in livestock diets at rates of up to 20%, mixed with absorbent materials such as bran or crushed corn
The methods of addition vary according to the possibilities available in livestock farms, and these methods include:
1- Mixing all food ingredients with molasses using specialized mixing machines
2- Sprinkle molasses over the bush while feeding
3- Adding molasses to drinking water
Molasses is suitable for feeding the following animals:
1- Food for dairy cows
2- fattening calves
3- horse food
4- Sheep and goats food (pregnant or lactating)
5- Molasses also has multiple industrial uses​


Additional information

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25 كيلو