Program description

Providing the trainee with professional skills in the field of coffee production to keep pace with the labor market, which includes dealing with Yemeni coffee types, factors that control coffee quality, seedling production, and post-harvest transactions for coffee fruit.


At the end of this curriculum, the trainee is expected to be able to:

  • Distinguish the Yemeni coffee varieties.
  • It implements the correct agricultural treatments to improve the quality of Yemeni coffee.
  • Produces coffee seedlings.
  • Follow the correct way to harvest coffee.
  • Post-harvest treatments are done in the right way.

Target group

  • Category of coffee growers
  • Those interested in this field

The contents of the program

  • Yemeni coffee.
  • Coffee quality and factors affecting coffee quality.
  • Preparing the soil for planting new coffee trees.
  • Production and cultivation of coffee seedlings.
  • Agricultural transactions of the coffee tree.
  • Pruning and breeding coffee trees.
  • Integrated pest control for coffee.
  • Harvest and post-harvest transactions