Program description:

Providing the trainee with professional skills in the field of agriculture in home gardens to keep pace with the labor market and improve the standard of living of families in rural and urban areas and produce clean and safe food
(Free of chemical pesticides) taking advantage of organic waste in agriculture and good handling of vegetable crops after harvest


  • Improving the standard of living of families in rural and urban areas.
  • Enhance family food security.
  • Improving the health of the family, especially children, pregnant and lactating women.
  • Produce clean and safe food (free of chemical pesticides).
  • Knowledge of agricultural processes for some vegetable crops,
  • Exploiting organic waste in agriculture and preserving the environment.
  • Knowing the mechanism of good handling of vegetable crops after harvest.
  • Financial savings where the cost is less than buying it from the market.

Target group:

  • Basic and secondary education outcomes
  • Women in rural and urban areas.
  • Extension workers in agricultural organizations.
  • Who has the desire to teach for the program.
  • Agricultural associations, the women’s sector.


  • Advantages and benefits of home gardening
  • Establishing and coordinating home gardens after choosing the site and designing.
  • The most important crops grown in home gardens.
  • Agricultural operations necessary for the care of plants in home gardens.
  • Production and care of vegetable crops grown in home gardens.
  • Management of pests and diseases and the use of organic and mechanical methods to combat them.
  • Selection of seeds and save them from fruits produced in the garden for planting in later seasons.
  • Post-harvest technology and waste reduction.