fodder cube

$ 3.80


Feed cubes:​

It is a complementary food that contains urea, molasses and agricultural residues, and is provided to animals after returning from grazing or after they have eaten hay, hay or any other rough material. The cube weighs 8 kg and is sufficient to feed one head of cows for three weeks, and six weeks to feed one head of cows. sheep or goats
The goal of the manufacture of feed cubes

* Raising the level of farm income by reducing the cost of production
* Increase animal productivity
* Maximum utilization of agricultural and industrial crop residues

How to use feed cubes
1- The cube is gradually given to the animal for the first time by hanging it for a short period in front of the animal during the first two weeks, then after that it is hung continuously in front of the animal
2- If the animal does not recognize the feed cube, the animal is introduced to it by placing a quantity of bran or flour on the feed cube, and thus the animal will lick the bran or flour and will start licking the feed cube and identify its palatable taste.
3- The animal feeds on the upper cube by licking and licking
4- The feed cube is served after eating the feed meal or after the animal returns from the pasture
5- Feed cubes are provided according to the daily consumption of cows, 150-400 gm of sheep
And goats 50-100g

Benefits of feeding with feed cubesعب
1- Increasing the animal’s appetite, raising the fertility rate and the animals’ resistance to diseases
2- Increase the weight and growth of the animal and maintain it during the dry season
3- Achieving high production of milk and meat
4- Animals stop licking stones and soil and eating plastic

Important precautions:
– Feed cubes are only given to cows, sheep and goats, only after they have eaten or grazing the camels.
The feed cubes must be completely dry when served to animals
Do not give feed cubes to nursing animals
The feed cubes are not suitable for poultry, donkeys and horses
You should start giving the cubes to the animals gradually for a period of two weeks
In the event of any undesirable symptoms appearing on the animal, contact the nearest vet​