Do you freeze honey in your home?

Do you freeze honey in your home?

Did the honey seller hide the truth from you?

Did you think he cheated or cheated on you?

To find out all this, read the following article

The crystallization or granulation of honey or what is called the phenomenon of honey freezing or sedimentation is a natural phenomenon and a positive feature that God singled out for honey to preserve its quality and not change its properties. And that it crystallizes at some time, with the exception of the honey that bees collect from the remnants of aphids, which are dark in color and low in moisture (Samar honey, for example).

And if it entered the cold seasons and we had flower honey at home and it did not crystallize when the temperature fell, this indicates that this honey was heated at high temperatures when it was packaged, which makes it of low nutritional and health value.

The reason that honey crystallizes scientifically, it is that honey is a solution above saturated with sugars, which makes it amenable to crystallization, when the temperature decreases, the ability of the solution to dissolve decreases, which causes glucose sugar to lose water and crystallizes.

As for the nature of crystallization, some types of honey crystallize in a homogeneous manner, while other types leave part of the sediment on the surface in a heterogeneous manner, and this depends only on the type of honey and the percentage of moisture in it.


Because many people believe that the crystallization of bee honey is evidence of cheating with sugar or its solutions, and thus its corruption, some beekeepers or honey dealers heat it to prevent crystallization, so they can market it, which harms the original value of honey.

Some consumers also think that honey is a quick spoilage substance, so they store it in refrigerators, and this leads to accelerating the process of honey freezing. The speed of crystallization varies according to the type of honey and the percentage of pollen dissolved in it, as well as the rate of moisture, and this has nothing to do with the quality of honey.

It is difficult to check honey for its quality using the traditional methods used, and people usually adopt the measure of trust in the beekeeper,

The second way to check the quality of honey is that the honey is unpasteurized, that is, it has not been heated (Unpasteurized honey). Beekeepers’ honey, which is not treated with high heat, is the ideal and high quality honey because it contains the desired benefits, even if it crystallizes quickly.

The Yemen Eye Foundation is one of the first exporters of 100% natural Yemeni honey to all parts of the world

As we pick honey from our apiaries and under our supervision and sort it with modern machines, especially sorting, and then we check, package and wrap it in the latest methods, which makes it conform to international quality specifications and standards. For purchase,

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