
Molasses (molasses): It is a sticky, dark brown substance with a density of 1.4 g/cm3, and it is the by-product of the final crystallization process for refining raw sugar from Brazilian sugar cane.

Benefits of molasses for cattle and dairy cows:

  • Promote livestock health
  • Increases milk production
  • Facilitates the production of milk
  • Improves fiber digestion
  • Provides sugars for livestock
  • Increases the efficiency of the diet
  • Helps accelerate the growth of young calves
  • Helps reduce stress due to the heat of the air
  • Increases pregnancy rates and genetic transmission

Benefits of molasses for sheep and goats

Prevents preeclampsia

Benefits of molasses for horses

  • Removes dust from feed
  • Makes feed palatable
  • Helps selective horses accept feed

How to use molasses:

Molasses is used in livestock diets at rates of up to 20% to mix with absorbent materials such as (bran – crushed corn) and the methods of addition vary according to the available capabilities in the livestock farm

It is these ways

1_ Mixing all food ingredients with molasses using specialized mixing machines
2_ Sprinkle molasses over the forage during feeding
3- Adding molasses to drinking water

Amount of molasses to be consumed per day:

One kilogram of molasses per head of cows

A quarter of a kilogram of molasses per head of sheep _ and sheep

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