salt cubes


* The salt cube and what it is composed of:

– Mineral salts and vitamins given to ruminants in the form of a cube that is presented to the animal upon return from the pasture.

* Importance for the animal:

 -Prevention of mineral and vitamin deficiency diseases.
– Overcoming the phenomenon of loss of appetite in the animal.
– Increased feed consumption by the animal.
– Increased animal productivity of milk.
– Increase the growth rate of broiler animals
Helps activate enzymes and nutrients while facilitating metabolism.
– Helps to activate the immune system in the animal body and fight diseases.
It works on the installation and construction of skin, wool and hair tissues.

* What happens when you lack mineral salts?

– If salts and vitamins have this important role in building and maintaining the animal’s body,

A deficiency of one of these elements leads to the following:

-Sheep become weak and emaciated.
– Loss of appetite – Anemia and wasting – Decreased fertility.
– He may also notice the tendencies of cattle to eat more dry herbs.
– Devouring sand and bricks and licking the walls of the barn.
– Sheep and goats eat each other’s wool.

** Therefore, the appropriate solution now to compensate for this deficiency is to add the salt cube to the fodder for sensing so that it is placed in a prominent place in the barn and is licked by the livestock whenever they need it.




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