The correct way in the use of honey to cure

Most people take honey for medicinal purposes
Wrong and irregularly, which makes them do not find the desired result and lose their confidence in bee honey and its ability to treat diseases.
Honey is like any chemical or industrial medicine. If you do not take it in the right way, in the right dose, at the right time, and on a regular basis, you will not find what you hope for in healing your disease. For example, from errors that:

1- A large number of people eat honey either in large quantities in one dose, which causes them to turn around, nausea and pain in the abdomen, as a result of the high osmotic pressure on the stomach wall due to the high concentration of honey, especially when eating it as it is, without dilution and on an empty stomach, and this makes them not They keep using it.

2- A large number of people take honey for treatment with food, after it or before it, which reduces the rate of benefit and delays the desired result, and this is the same as an accident with industrial medicines.

3- The large spread of adulterated honey in various ways, such as industrial honey and its promotion on satellite channels, and the desire of many people to buy it as a result of the significant drop in its price, and this does not have the same ability as natural honey to heal.

The perfect way to get the most benefit from honey:

✔ buy honey from a trusted source.

✔ Using honey for the purpose of medication, the correct way to take it is to dissolve an amount of honey about 30 grams (three tablespoons) in a glass of warm water and drink it in the morning before breakfast and in the evening two hours after dinner or before bed.

Some warm drinks such as anise, fenugreek, caraway, cumin, mint and other herbs can be used instead of warm water.

As diluting honey with water or warm drinks helps the body to quickly absorb it and get the most benefit from honey, as well as not cause stomach contraction and nausea and the occurrence of nausea

✔ If it is used in the treatment of wounds, tracheitis or infections in the mouth, we use it as it is without dilution by placing it on the wound like psychosis and rotating it in the mouth with the tongue and then swallowing it in case of oral infections from the inside.

✔ If honey is used for nutrition, it can be eaten with bread and in making sandwiches or mixed with some foods instead of sugar, such as yogurt, rice with milk and other foods that need sugar

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