Tag Archives: the

Benefits of honey for the human body

Benefits of honey for the human body

Bee honey is an important source of energy supply, as one tablespoon of it contains 17 grams of starch, and provides 64 calories, because it consists of 17% water, 40% fruit sugar, 30% dextrose, 3% ca...

The best plastic boxes

The best plastic boxes

Ain Yemen Plastic Packaging (YEASCO) What distinguishes the plastic cans Made of high purity (PET) that is not recycled strong and durable anti break The cover has several advantages Lid open sealed d...

Follow the bees

متابعتك للنحل السارح والعائد في الصباح الباكر وما يحمله من حبوب لقاح أو رحيق يعطيك معلومات عن المرعى المحيط ب...